
Dr. John M. Holbrook

School of Geology, Energy, and the Environment
TCU Box 29330, Fort Worth, Texas, 76129
(817) 257-6275

Research Interests: My research interests are broad, but have a common theme centered about fluvial sedimentology. Most particularly, current research interests focus on the factors controlling fluvial geomorphology and resultant fluvial depositional architecture. As such, a high concentration is placed on the factors linking fluvial surficial processes and preservation of fluvial sediments.

I currently maintain ongoing research in both modern and ancient fluvial sedimentation. Recent work has addressed how neotectonic and climatic effects on fluvial geomorphology are preserved in the Holocene fluvial strata of active river systems. My students and I have on-going research in several areas. Where the Mississippi River crosses the New Madrid seismic zone, we are working to develop the use of fluvial sedimentology as a paleoseisimic proxy. Neotectonic effects on rivers are also being explored in the Rhine-Meuse delta of The Netherlands, and the Channel Country of Australia. My students are currently drilling holes in the lower Missouri Valley in order to develop the first chronology of these Holocene strata. This is part of our effort to patch together the runoff history of the northern Great Plains and thus gain some insights into the Holocene paleoclimate history of the North American interior. As well, we have active research in Cretaceous strata of the U.S. Western Interior. Research here focuses on the interaction between upstream vs. downstream controls on fluvial architecture, the origin and hierarchy of fluvial bounding surfaces, and the effects of river input on the interaction between the Boreal and Tethyan seas.


Sedimentology Fall 2012 Class Resource Page

Barrier Island Fieldtrip Zip File

Sequence Stratigraphy Spring 2012 Class Resource Page

[Geology Faculty Page]

For questions about this page send email to Art Busbey
Page created 8/20/2011 and last updated February 20, 2013 © John Holbrook