Department of Geology
Box 298830
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, TX 76129
VOICE: (817) 257-7270
FAX: (817) 257-7789
Arthur Ehlmann

Dr. Ehlmann was born and raised in St. Charles, MO (within the Greater St. Louis area). After high school, he spent an enlistment term in the U. S. Army, serving primarily in Japan from 1946 to 1948. After two years at Elmhurst College, he transferred to the University of Missouri at Columbia where he received his B. S. and his M. S. degrees in geology. After working for Shell Oil Company for two years, he entered the graduate program at the University of Utah, receiving his PhD in Mineralogy in 1958.

Dr. Ehlmann started his 35 year career in the Geology Department at Texas Christian University in the Fall of 1958. He now holds the title of Emeritus Professor of Geology at TCU. After retiring in the Spring of 1993, he continues his research on meteorites, primarily those in the extensive Oscar E. Monnig Meteorite Collection held in the Geology Department.

Publications on meteorites in the last ten years:

  1. Ehlmann, A. J. and K. Keil (1987) Classification of a second group of ordinary chondrites from Texas: Meteoritics, V. 22, p. 17-23.
  2. Ehlmann, A. J., E. R. D. Scott, K. Keil, T. K. Mayeda, R. N. Clayton, H. W. Weber, and L. Schultz (1988) Origin of fragmental and regolith meteorite breccias - evidence from the Kendleton L chondrite breccia: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Cambridge University Press, p. 545-554.
  3. Jackson, H. S. and A. J. Ehlmann (1988) The Kirbyville Eucrite: Meteoritics, V. 23, p. 382.
  4. Ehlmann, A. J. and K. Keil (1988) Classification of six ordinary chondrites from Texas: Meteoritics, V. 23, p. 361-364.
  5. Keil, K., A. J. Ehlmann, and R. Weiler (1990) The Olton, Texas, H chondrite regolith breccia: paired with Dimmit: Meteoritics, V. 25, p. 259 - 261.
  6. Ehlmann, A. J. and K. Keil (1992) Classification of four ordinary chondrites from the Monnig Meteorite Collection: Meteoritics, V. 27, p. 470 -472.
  7. Ehlmann, A. J. and K Keil (1994) Further classification of ordinary chondrites from the Monnig Collection: Meteoritics, V. 29, p. 71 - 73.
  8. Ehlmann, A. J. , T. J. McCoy and K. Keil (1994) The Tatum, New Mexico, chondrite and its silica inclusion: Chem. Erde, V. 54, p.169-178.
  9. McCoy, T. J., A. J. Ehlmann and K. Keil (1995) The Travis County, Texas, meteorites: Meteoritics, V. 30, p. 348-351.
  10. McCoy, T. J., A. J. Ehlmann and K Keil (1995) The Fayette County, Texas meteorites: Meteoritics, V. 30, p. 776-780.
  11. McCoy, T.J., A. J. Ehlmann, G. K. Benedix, K. Keil and J. T. Wasson (1996) The Lueders, Texas, IAB iron meteorite with silicate inclusions: Meteoritics and Planetary Science, V. 31, p. 419-422.
  12. Ehlmann, A. J. (1996) How the Travis County meteorites came to light: Meteorite!, V. 2, No. 3, p. 12-14.
  13. McCoy, T. J., A. J. Ehlmann, and C. B. Moore (1997) The Leedey, Oklahoma, chondrite: Fall, petrology, chemistry and an unusual Fe,Ni-FeS inclusion: Meteoritics and Planetary Science, V. 32, No. 1, p. 19 - 24.
  14. McCoy, T. J. and A. J. Ehlmann (1997) Monnig collection meteorites from Forestburg, Davy, Harrison Township and Gurram Konda: Meteoritics and Planetary Science, V. 32, Supplement, p. A167 - A170.

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Page created 7/7/95 and last updated 5/4/06
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